Self-Directed Personal Care Program
The Self-Directed Personal Care Program enables our clients to maintain their lifestyle in a home atmosphere even when faced with complex health issues. The program provides assistance through Personal Care Attendants who help with the functions of everyday life. Our Program staff have the knowledge, experience and skill to assist our clients in maximizing their choices and controlling their health care needs.
Why Choose Self-Directed Personal Care Services?
Our clients choose their own Personal Care Attendants and can set their own schedules through guidelines determined by the Mountain Pacific Quality Health Foundation. Personal Care Attendants earn approximately $10.50 per hour, allowing our clients to hire caring people to assist them with their personal needs. Our Self-Directed Personal Care staff’s extensive experience assists clients in maintaining compliance with this Medicaid program.
How This Program Can Help You:
Self-Direct Services provides personal care assistance to individuals who
- are eligible for full Montana Medicaid
- require assistance with activities of daily living:
- bed bath, shower, tub
- dressing/grooming
- exercise
- eating
- toileting
- transfer assistance
- health maintenance tasks
- laundry and shopping
Privileges and Responsibilities
- Clients must be able to direct their own personal care or have a Personal Representative help them.
- Clients hire personal care attendants. A personal care attendant can be a family member, a friend, or anyone of their choice. The one exception is one’s spouse: a spouse cannot care for a spouse.
- Clients train the personal care attendant as to how they want the job done.
- Clients set their personal care attendant’s schedule and select a backup plan.
- Clients monitor the personal care attendant’s performance and time sheets.