Guardianship Program
The Guardianship Program of Area II Agency on Aging, a nonprofit 501(c)3 human services organization, provides court-ordered surrogate decision-making to meet the needs of vulnerable, incapacitated adults, while maximizing each adults’ potential for autonomy and independence.
Guardians are appointed by the courts to provide specialized services to individuals deemed incapacitated. This incapcitation may be the inability to make housing, medical or financial decisions due to functional limitations. In most cases a family member is available and willing to provide these services, but there are times when family is not available or may be unsuitable. To serve these people, Area II’s guardianship program was established.
- Individual must be 18 years or older.
- Individual must meet the definition of incapacity as defined in MCA, Section 72-5-101 (1).
- Individual must have no appropriate family or friends to fulfill the guardianship duties.
- Individual must be a risk for or a victim of abuse, neglect, and/or exploitation.
- Individual must be a resident of the eleven-county area served by Area II Agency on Aging: Musselshell, Wheatland, Fergus, Judith Basin, Petroleum, Golden Valley, Stillwater, Sweet Grass, Carbon, Yellowstone and Big Horn Counties.
Referral to the Program
- Anyone can make a referral.
- Referral forms are available from the Area II Agency on Aging office.
- All referrals are reviewed by the Guardianship Review Committee (GRC). The GRC is comprised of representatives from Area II Agency on Aging, Adult Protective Services, clergy, a community representative, and a medical professional.
- The Guardianship Program accepts only referrals from the Guardianship Review Committee.
For additional information, please contact us.