50th Annual
Governor’s Conference on Aging
Sept 25-27, 2018
Radisson Colonial Hotel Helena, 2301 Colonial, Helena
Keynote Speakers
- Lance Robertson, Assistant Secretary for Aging, Administration for Community Living
- Elaine Ryan, VP, State Advocacy, AARP
- Lynn Mullowney Cabrera, Executive Director, Alzheimer’s Assn.- Montana Chapter
- Nanette Whitman-Holmes, Life Enrichment Director, Touchmark
- William Marcus, Host John Twiggs, Ray Ekness and Gus Chambers; Producers Backroads of Montana
- Healthy Lifestyles Rock
- Enhancing Moments: Living with Dementia
- It Takes a Village
- Rock into the Future
Governor’s Centenarian Banquet
Celebrating Montanans 100 Years and Older – Tuesday, Sept 25
Performances by the Drum Brothers and Geriactors
Registration $75
Conference information and online registration: http://dphhs.mt.gov/sltc/aging/GovernorsConferenceonAging
Conference Lodging Available:
Radisson Colonial Hotel-Helena
406-443-2100 or register online through conference website (rate expires 8/25)
Conference rate code: 50th Annual Governor’s Conference on Aging
NEED HELP REGISTERING? contact Jackie at 1-800-332-2272 or jstoeckel@mt.gov
Brought to you by Governor’s Advisory Council on Aging and MT DPHHS